Thursday, August 2, 2018

With Media Protocol You Can Get Paid For Watching, Reading and Sharing Contents You Love

Have you ever sat down and thought about the amount of time you spend online? Many times I feel like I am wasting my life away on the internet. And I am pretty certain there are many people in my shoes. We read and like posts, even share some with our friends, without really getting anything tangible in return.
For many people having the same feeling as I do above, there is good news. MEDIA protocol seeks to reward users for everything you love doing on the internet.
Without a doubt, reading, liking, sharing a post as well as watching videos makes money for the social media network.
With MEDIA protocol, consumers are made an integral part of the network
The MEDIA protocol has changed the online content market by using a blockchain model to adjust the issues with online content distribution and consumption. This will happen by turning a URL into a cryptocurrency wallet, which will enable content creator and publishers to reward meaningful engagements with users.
If you register any content over the MEDIA protocol network, the url of that particular content will automatically be converted into a smart URL. This URL is able to keep and give out tokens the way a crypto wallet will. Consumers like you and I that visit MEDIA protocol enabled platforms will be rewarded with MEDIA tokens. The tokens awarded will be kept in the user’s account which will come in handy when making in-app purchases.
In addition to this, distribution platforms in which MEDIA protocol is hosted on will also get a share of the MEDIA tokens as commission. This amount will be based on the interaction with consumers and will be transferred from publisher to consumers.
Media protocol created CryptoCatnip — the first app to make use of the protocol. CryptoCatnip features just only blockchain and cryptocurrency content. With CryptoCatnip, users earned testnet MEDIA tokens while browsing the internet for news updates. You can download the CryptoCatnip beta app for Android or iOS platforms. It comes with the updated design and improvements released daily.
The MEDIA protocol team consists of industry experts with a total of more than 30 years of experience in their chosen field — media alongside advertising spaces. The MEDIA protocol was co founded by Martins Adam and Tom Graham while profound blockchain figures like Andy Tian — the CEO of GIFTO and many others form the bedrock of this classy, innovative project. Learn more by clicking these links; websitewhitepapertelegramtwitterfacebook bitcointalk ANNbitcointalk bounty
Author: chasun
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2250793

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