Friday, August 3, 2018


The Ubex advertising exchange will be located at and it will have a convenient interface that will work with the exchange services from PCs, tablets and mobile devices. The two main sections for advertisers and publishers will be presented on the website, the principles of interaction with which are described below.

Ubex: Service for Advertisers

Sponsors can set up and run an advertisement battle in a couple of snaps. Undertakings that required a whole group of computerized advertisers would now be able to be assumed control by Ubex calculations.
A publicizing effort is made through an individual record in four straightforward advances:
(1) Create an offer and indicate the business terms.
The client indicates the cost of promoting, or a level of the deal, and additionally conceded installment (for sponsors with a high appraising). Likewise, the sponsor picks the focused on activities they will pay distributers for.
(2) Select a gadget or make your own.
Gadgets can be customized by the sponsor and can likewise be given by the trade (for instance, the payday advance, a shape for getting microcredits). On account of customized gadgets, it is sufficient to transfer a flag or video and introduce and arrange all the essential structures through a helpful architect accessible in the individual record. For more perplexing settings, gadgets can be composed in an altered Java content code.
(3) Select the interests of the intended interest group, the season of showcases, topography and other criteria.
Subsequent to setting up the gadget, the promoter sets the guidelines for showing the advertisements with the goal that publicizing is as applicable to the intended interest group as would be prudent. In parallel with the settings, the neural system gives conjectures of the viability of the tweaked promoting effort.
(4) Launch a publicizing effort and screen the outcomes.
With the assistance of an individual record in the Ubex framework, the promoter can screen continuously all the key measurements for the made promoting effort. These measurements incorporate the focused on activities that were taken, their chance, the distributers on whose stages publicizing was shown, the action of these distributers in the promoting efforts. The neural system additionally gives refreshed reports on the viability of the publicizing effort. Installment is made just upon the fulfillment of focused activities determined in the offer. Assets are credited from the sum held in the escrow arrangement of the Ubex crypto budgetary stage, or from the sponsor’s record at the time showed in the brilliant contract (if there should be an occurrence of calculating installments for publicists with high evaluations).

Ubex: Service for Publishers

Distributers can rapidly and helpfully interface their publicizing space to the Ubex promoting stage and begin acquiring when the following extra collects enough information about site activity for promote investigation by the neural systems. Association with the Ubex framework happens in four basic steps:
(1) Register a promoting opening.
The distributer dispenses openings for advertisement units on a site, marks them with a unique identifier and spots the Java content code of the trade. Any proprietor of web assets with general client activity of adequate volume according to the necessities of the publicists can get endorsement for enlistment. After checking on the application, the distributer gets a notice email.
(2) Adjust publicizing subject confinements.
In the Ubex interface, the distributer picks the points that they take into consideration arrangement on their sites. For example, the proprietor of a web asset on commitments can limit the subjects for promoting solely to monetary administrations. The distributer can include new confinements later on, when they see the main aftereffects of promotion shows picked by the neural systems as the most applicable for their asset.
(3) Specify geolocation, group of onlookers interests and social parameters
To encourage the ordering of their asset in the general site registry, the distributer can indicate extra information for bookkeeping while hunting down publicists. These parameters will be considered by the neural systems in the occasion the distributer declines to set movement following on their site (the calculation will organize just those distributers that have introduced following on their assets).
(4) Set confinements on gadgets and sponsors
Distributers can see existing gadgets for every theme and cripple the ones they pick. For instance, the proprietor of an asset with articles on contributing in valuable metals might need to kill a gadget used to buy digital currencies without leaving the asset. Additionally, the distributer can make a “boycott” of particular sponsors whose gadgets they don’t wish to see on their asset.
Installment is made just upon the culmination of focused activities determined in the offer. Assets are credited from the sum held in the escrow arrangement of the Ubex crypto monetary stage, or from the publicist’s record at the time showed in the savvy contract (if there should arise an occurrence of considering installments for publicists with high appraisals).





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