Sunday, September 23, 2018


Soar represents a specially designated place where drone contents of all types can be traded. The drone contents to be traded in this somewhat marketplace which is established by soar are that of videos and other photography contents. This blockchain based structure aims at improving the values of all types of drone contents and the way they are being distributed from the creators to the audience of the contents. It occur that quite a lot of drone contents have had their values obscured and hidden for a very long time now, and that has made their utilization limited to a certain small number of people. Soar seeks to unveil and make these types of drone contents revealed and available for apprehension by the audience and other lovers of such contents. By so doing, these drone contents would have improved values and will be commercially stable for all to afford. The agelong issues of creators of not being able to properly monetize their contents will be bygone as soar takes the wheel of drone content trading in its prepared marketplace.
Uploading drone contents is definitely going to give content creators a stage to upload all of their works that otherwise might have no exposure to the appropriate audience and might amount to a waste of time for content makers as they make such contents. Soar ensures that all the efforts of drone content creators is crowned with profits and rewards that will suffice for the times they have spent in putting various pieces together to form the drone contents.
The soar marketplace first focuses on building a stong network for drone contents like aerial maps, automated air vehicles, video contents and also picture contents in static positions.
However, it made it possible for any of the soar operators in charge of the drone contents to sell to anyone in the soar community at any point in time to anybody or users that wishes to purchase them from any location on the earth surface. The integrity of the soar marketplace is maintained as it keeps all the important transaction data secure and put intelligent artificial infrastructures in control of the entire market processes. It deals with all its users with full transparency and also monitors the publishing or uploading of drone contents by the operators or creators of the drone contents.
Soar has the leverage of the blockchain which boost users confidence in every operation carried out in soar ecosystem. The fact that their is full reliability in what the blockchain infrastructure can offer, the functionality is employed to get the best from its activities. The systematic way of gathering all the uploaded contents together in the soar platform, this platform aspires to portray itself as a real capable and dynamic setup that can fit into the content industry and top the existing platforms with its incredible application of the already gathered knowledge and infrastructures.
What makes this platform special is the way it has its team inclined to execute many already prepared applications despite its long existence. The wonderful utilization of this special applications made it possible to have quite an endless population converging together in the same network from various countries of over 85 nations combined together to achieve a common goal in the soar ecosystem.
Soar platform proved the authenticity of its network by providing users with a utility token, which is the Sky Map token with the symbol SKYM. This token however opens everyone in the ecosystem to dozens of opportunities and privilege to effectively optimize all that is available for use in the platform. Once a user holds this SKYM token, he or she is qualified to get rewards from the soar platform and is able to initiate any process in the ecosystem.
The Sky Sponsor stands as a drive for the soar network and focuses on the super outline of the platform. It allows the best content to be picked for it to reward the creator of such a drone content. The super outlined infrastructure helps to flaunt the exceptional works in the ecosystem and it motivates creators to put in more effort to create more perfect and fascinating drone contents to catch the eyes of the customers.
The application of this platform is widespread and it is also meant to be used for the Associate In Nursing mapping scenarios. Here it will be in charge of controlling and designing accurate mapping and for accurate creative additions anytime its needed. In the Associate In Nursing sector, this platform seeks to be the core of the commercial functions as long as videos and other photo contents are involved or used in the unit. Presently, it has become a normal custom for many administrators to make their contents available through a single way channel and others even get restricted as they strive to make their contents known or unveiled to the public. Soar hopes to deal with this type of market situations and ensure that equal privileges is given to all without biasness in operation or preferential treatments.
Soar gives room for easy monetization of contents in the community and incline all individuals who invest in its token towards great returns. It adopts a particular effective style in measuring the correctness of contents to be displayed and it makes certain that all contents not up to standard are revoked without any smuggling chance to get it on board the market. All the data involved in the transactions or dealing between customers and drone content creators are secured and made to be available at any time for the sake of transparency and to earn the trust of its users in the ecosystem.
Meanwhile, soar has made its SKYM token claimable for all who are interested and those who desperately yearn to be a part of the system. The tokens will be fitted for trading or investing and whichever way the user wants it to be without posing any restriction in usage for them. Soar has also organised to have all its enthusiasts meet and interact about the new drone content market place on telegram through this link And it is set to organize an event that would fetch the participants prizes. Only the number of people who underwent the general KYC audit conducted in the ecosystem will be privileged to participate in the event to be organized. However, points can be generated in different ways by the participants. They can generate a total of 10 points each on an invited individual and points can also be generated from fulfilling the telegram requirement or rules backing the distribution of points.
The telegram rule for the giving out of point states that the participants can get 5 points if he or she is able to chat in the telegram group up to about 5 times with the comments or opinions suggested more than 5 words in addition to being a meaningful comment.
Soar platform and all its provided rewards will make more users want to associate and be a part of its progress even as it established a secured market for all drone content sellers and buyers globally. Soar is inclined to giving investors a chance to elevate their games in investment and to reward all users which duly support it course.
Krypital Bounty Group:
Soar Telegram Group:
Krypital News:
Bitcointalk Username: cmaldeniya
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2263061
Tokeneed UID: 8432484987

Saturday, September 1, 2018

CBNT: The first decentralized professional content sharing community based on block chain technology!!!

Do you understand that an eminent expanded time frame back heaps of Bitcoin early darlings experienced issues with their auspicious circumstances, at any rate they held their emotions and their coins, in this way sapient they are feeling like no one's business now,- the experts in Crypto Industry verbally express, - in any case we require Bitcoin and Ethereum to handle a more prominent scale, so affiliations need to decentralize information and accreditation their security concerns. A fore long they oppose another test: considering the monstrous measure of money contributed, it stays to be visually perceived what number of old-tickers and newcomers will stay staunch to the business and will endeavour to transmute the world with the assistance of types of progress that have beginning at now transformed them. These days, Block chain progression is encountering an epic effect. Incipient Block chain outlines are made well inductively authorized, including the best categorical affiliations.
CBNT is a decentralized proficient substance sharing network in view of blockchain innovation and a biological community model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content). At the outset, we will center around blockchain and proficient budgetary speculation content. CBNT will make a win-win environment for all members, including content/articles suppliers, content perusers (watcher), advertisement distributers, and token holders. In the CBNT people group, regardless of whether you are content generators or substance watchers, the two sides can get tokens "Mining Rewards". As CBNT develops and activity supports, all the benefit of various advertisements will likewise be appropriated to the majority of the members. Advancement in the CBNT people group: taking an interest is mining;100% benefit trading; network self-sufficiency show; honing decentralized self-task administration "amass astuteness". All members in this biological community can get 100% comparing rights and advantages, therefore to accomplish a win-win arrangement of "substance, movement, and promoting."
CBNT will be built as a token economy system that fully complies with the rules of the free market economy; every individual who has contributed to others can benefit from it financially, thus solving the following problems faced by the traditional internet content ecosystems:
  1. Reduced content quality caused by the attention economy.
  2. Content creators spend time creating content and provide value for the platform while
    ultimately transforming their work for the benefit of the platforms' profit model.
  3. Content viewers and communicators can't share the financial value that the content generated.


  1. High-quality content will be rewarded with more tokens, which equals financial benefit and reflects the value of creations.
  2. Second, lots of traffic will lead to high-quality content and generate advertising value.
  3. Content creators can realize additional benefits from their specialized knowledge through the establishment of paid readings, paid sharing groups and paid Q&As.
  4. High-quality content can attract more viewer’s attention, and viewers can gain CBNT tokens via sharing, commenting, and liking etc. This creates a positive feedback loop between content viewers and generators.
Content Creation
Content creators will be rewarded tokens if readers like their valuable content. the higher the content ranks, the more tokens the creators will get.
Content Communication
Viewers can vote on and share high-quality articles, and the benefits of these articles will be distributed based on the user's contribution weights.
Paid Q&A
High-value information equals opportunity in the business world. Sharing valuable information to questioners can bring you more benefits.
Ads Monetization
Change the traditional advertising model. The advertiser pays tokens to publish ads, and the advertising fees will be distributed based on fan's contributions.
As CBNT is a proof of stage biological community, CBNT token holders can appreciate rights on the stage, like income sharing, supervision, voting and so on. The aggregate supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be overissued. There are two different ways to get CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to exchange from the trade.
The circulation instrument of the tokens
Inconclusion, Advancement in the CBNT technology by taking part is mining gives an 100% benefit trading, also a network independence show honing decentralized self-task administration and assemble intelligence". All members who invested in this platform can get 100% relating rights and advantages, along with a lines to accomplish a win-win arrangement of "substance, movement, and promoting."
for more information on this platform please kindly click on the link below:
Published by: cmaldeniya
BTT profile:;u=2263061

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